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Providing Services for, but not limited to:

  • Professionals, Parents, & Teens (including homeschoolers).

  • Those struggling with substance abuse/addiction and family members affected by the disease

  • Those with personality disorders and those struggling in relationships, yet  things keep going wrong


Psychiatric Evaluations and Assessments

Evaluation and assessment are the primary tools employed to understand and evaluate the mental, physical, and spiritual state of each client. We will then develop a thorough, holistic treatment plan. Don't hesitate to explore your concerns.


Medication Management & Prescribing

Whether you are considering medication for the first time or need a new regimen, I am here to help. With the addition of lifestyle changes, therapy, and nutraceuticals, we can keep the dose low and possibly shorten the course for those who are concerned about side effects.



I offer various types of therapy including CBT, Motivational Interviewing, trauma informed, and faith-based.  Choose between brief psychotherapy during a 25 minute follow-up, or a more thorough therapy session during the 50 min follow-up option.


Relaxation and Focus Exercises

Research proves many methods that help promote true relaxation. For example, breathing helps clients:​​ lower heart rate and blood pressure promote relaxation overcome feelings of anxiety Let's discuss grounding, earthing exercises, or progressive relaxation techniques to calm any hyper arousal.​​​


Lab-work and Nutracuticles

If you're experiencing symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, or distractibility, it's possible that medical conditions or nutritional deficiencies could be the cause. We can review your labs and symptoms together and explore options for supplements including but not limited to: Omega-3, Magnesium, and Vitamin B & D to help.


Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling

I have revamped my diet and that of my family. We have seen first hand how simply swapping out the ingredients in the pantry can improve our well-being with both physical health and mental health. It can seem like an insurmountable hurdle to develop new habits. I can help you push through to attain your diet and exercise goals. I lead by example.

01-I help: professionals, parents, & teens (including homeschoolers). 


  • Negative thought patterns.

  • Fatigue, burnout, lack of motivation, and overwhelm.

  • Difficulty finding joy in hobbies you once loved.

  • Feeling like past trauma is haunting you.

  • Low self-esteem and self-worth.

  • Insomnia.

  • Feeling on edge.

  • Heart racing. Mind racing.

  • Feeling like you are letting your loved ones down.

  • Hyper vigilance against the fear of impending doom.

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  • Increased reserves so you have something to invest in relationships.

  • The ability to wake up with a renewed sense of energy. 

  • The feeling of peace and contentment. 

  • Stronger connections and ability to participate meaningfully in conversations with friends, colleagues, and loved ones. 

  • Less burnout, able to perform well under pressure. 

  • Awareness of and ability to communicate needs. 

  • Increased comfort level with vulnerability. 

  • The ability to identify and set healthy boundaries, focus energy into relationships that give back to them. 

  • The ability to handle negative thoughts as they arise. 

  • Clear-mindedness and confidence in your decision-making skills.

02-  I help: Those struggling with substance abuse/addiction and family members affected by the disease


  • Strong Desire or Craving to give in to the addiction

  • Unsuccessful efforts to reduce or control the addiction.

  • Need to consume more or for a longer period than intended.

  • Repeated attempts to cut down or stop using.

  • Times you use in situations where it is physically hazardous (e.g., driving under the influence).

  • Continued use Despite Problems: physical, interpersonal, or psychological problems.

  • Unfulfilled obligations at work, school, or home.

  • Withdrawal symptoms when the substance is reduced.


  • Improved sleep quality and sleep patterns.

  • More energy and better physical fitness due to healthier lifestyle choices.

  • Lower levels of anxiety and depression, which can be increased by substance use.

  • Fewer mood swings and emotional highs and lows.

  • Strengthened relationships that may have been strained.

  • Better work performance, increased productivity, and fewer absences.

  • Greater ability to obtain life goals.

  • Improved ability to cope with stress.

  • Inspiring others: Serving as a positive role model for others, including family and friends, and encouraging them to pursue their own paths to sobriety.

03 I help-- Those with personality disorders and those struggling in relationships, yet  things keep going wrong


  • Low frustration tolerance.

  • Being easily overwhelmed with stress and burnout.  

  • Fear of abandonment.

  • Unstable relationships.

  • Fear of abandonment.

  • Impulsive behaviors and self-harm.

  • Emotional instability and frequent mood swings.

  • Self sabotage.

  • Difficulty making decisions without excessive advice and reassurance from others.

  • Difficulty expressing disagreement due to fear of losing support.

In Love


  • Reduced sensitivity to triggers and a more balanced response to stressors.

  • Improved quality of relationships with family, friends, and colleagues, characterized by better communication and mutual respect.

  • Greater ability to understand and respond to others' feelings and needs.

  • Increased awareness of one's own thought patterns, behaviors, and how they affect others and a more accurate understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses.

  • Development and use of healthier coping mechanisms to deal with stress, conflicts, and emotional challenges.

  • Greater control over impulsive behaviors and more thoughtful decision-making.

  • A more consistent mood and less frequent extreme emotional highs and lows.

I have chosen to operate without insurance due to my previous experiences within the insurance-based model, which often resulted in significant client dissatisfaction. I frequently found the next patients accumulating in the waiting room. My primary goal is to provide each client with a comprehensive appointment that thoroughly addresses their concerns while also respecting their time. 


This approach enables me to deliver a much higher standard of care and foster stronger client relationships. Superbills will be provided to easily submit to your insurance.

My Approach: More than meds

What distinguishes Every Thought Psychiatry? 

I believe that every problem has a solution or a path to improvement.

My empathetic and holistic approach ensures that all aspects of a patient’s life are considered.


I offer a compassionate perspective and provide personalized support that goes beyond traditional models, recognizing the value of close connections and comprehensive care. 

Why I do not take insurance.

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